configure timezone

_.-~= configure timezone
Tue Jan 16 04:00:47 EST 2018
Configuring tzdata

Please select the geographic area in which you live. Subsequent configuration 
questions will narrow this down by presenting a list of cities, representing the
time zones in which they are located.

  1. Africa        6. Asia            11. System V timezones
  2. America       7. Atlantic Ocean  12. US
  3. Antarctica    8. Europe          13. None of the above
  4. Australia     9. Indian Ocean
  5. Arctic Ocean  10. Pacific Ocean

Geographic area: 

Please select the city or region corresponding to your time zone.

  1. Adak                     78. Juneau
  2. Anchorage                79. Kentucky/Louisville
  3. Anguilla                 80. Kentucky/Monticello
  4. Antigua                  81. Kralendijk
  5. Araguaina                82. La_Paz
  6. Argentina/Buenos_Aires   83. Lima
  7. Argentina/Catamarca      84. Los_Angeles
  8. Argentina/Cordoba        85. Lower_Princes
  9. Argentina/Jujuy          86. Maceio
  10. Argentina/La_Rioja      87. Managua
  11. Argentina/Mendoza       88. Manaus
  12. Argentina/Rio_Gallegos  89. Marigot
  13. Argentina/Salta         90. Martinique
  14. Argentina/San_Juan      91. Matamoros
  15. Argentina/San_Luis      92. Mazatlan
  16. Argentina/Tucuman       93. Menominee
  17. Argentina/Ushuaia       94. Merida
  18. Aruba                   95. Metlakatla
  19. Asuncion                96. Mexico_City
  20. Atikokan                97. Miquelon
  21. Atka                    98. Moncton
  22. Bahia                   99. Monterrey
  23. Bahia_Banderas          100. Montevideo
  24. Barbados                101. Montreal
  25. Belem                   102. Montserrat
  26. Belize                  103. Nassau
  27. Blanc-Sablon            104. New_York
  28. Boa_Vista               105. Nipigon
  29. Bogota                  106. Nome
  30. Boise                   107. Noronha
  31. Cambridge_Bay           108. North_Dakota/Beulah
  32. Campo_Grande            109. North_Dakota/Center
  33. Cancun                  110. North_Dakota/New_Salem
  34. Caracas                 111. Ojinaga
  35. Cayenne                 112. Panama
  36. Cayman                  113. Pangnirtung
  37. Chicago                 114. Paramaribo
  38. Chihuahua               115. Phoenix
  39. Coral_Harbour           116. Port-au-Prince
  40. Costa_Rica              117. Port_of_Spain
  41. Creston                 118. Porto_Acre
  42. Cuiaba                  119. Porto_Velho
  43. Curacao                 120. Puerto_Rico
  44. Danmarkshavn            121. Rainy_River
  45. Dawson                  122. Rankin_Inlet
  46. Dawson_Creek            123. Recife
  47. Denver                  124. Regina
  48. Detroit                 125. Resolute
  49. Dominica                126. Rio_Branco
  50. Edmonton                127. Santa_Isabel
  51. Eirunepe                128. Santarem
  52. El_Salvador             129. Santiago
  53. Ensenada                130. Santo_Domingo
  54. Fortaleza               131. Sao_Paulo
  55. Glace_Bay               132. Scoresbysund
  56. Godthab                 133. Shiprock
  57. Goose_Bay               134. Sitka
  58. Grand_Turk              135. St_Barthelemy
  59. Grenada                 136. St_Johns
  60. Guadeloupe              137. St_Kitts
  61. Guatemala               138. St_Lucia
  62. Guayaquil               139. St_Thomas
  63. Guyana                  140. St_Vincent
  64. Halifax                 141. Swift_Current
  65. Havana                  142. Tegucigalpa
  66. Hermosillo              143. Thule
  67. Indiana/Indianapolis    144. Thunder_Bay
  68. Indiana/Knox            145. Tijuana
  69. Indiana/Marengo         146. Toronto
  70. Indiana/Petersburg      147. Tortola
  71. Indiana/Tell_City       148. Vancouver
  72. Indiana/Vevay           149. Virgin
  73. Indiana/Vincennes       150. Whitehorse
  74. Indiana/Winamac         151. Winnipeg
  75. Inuvik                  152. Yakutat
  76. Iqaluit                 153. Yellowknife
  77. Jamaica

Time zone: 
Time zone: 

Current default time zone: 'America/New_York'
Local time is now:      Tue Jan 16 04:00:47 EST 2018.
Universal Time is now:  Tue Jan 16 09:00:47 UTC 2018.

End of configure timezone =~-._